Friday, May 20, 2011

Tom Hanks is a stand up guy... and not in a comedic way

I've been trying to watch Oprah this final season. Really Oprah works my last nerve. Just about everything about her bugs the ever loving shit out of me but I am trying. In my opinion, Oprah is way out of touch with reality and she is far too impressed with herself for my liking, but that is not why I am posting.

I was scrolling through my DVR and caught the episode of Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. Julia is another celebrity that does not impress me. She has a self entitled sense of herself and sometimes I just watch her so I won't miss her practiced horse laugh. I can never get enough of Julia opening her huge equine mouth and unhinging her jaw to bray at her own wittiness. But again, that's not why I am here.

Tom Hanks loves his wife, Rita Wilson and I find that refreshing. In this day of the Jesse James, Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger's it pretty awesome to hear a guy speak lovingly about his wife of 23 years. When asked why he is still married to Rita, Hanks replies, "Because I am not an IDIOT!" Well said, Tom, well said.